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DABS Pioneers


11th February 2021, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm

12th February 2021, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Register for the DABS programme

Important: This event has now finished. Please check out the events page for more information.

If you are close to launching a new business and have a business idea in mind, then DABS Pioneers is for you. We can work with you to sense-check your idea, explore the market potential and customer experience to really refine your ambitious business model. We will help you to get started on a firm foundation with a view to scaling up and growing your business.

Please note that this is a series of two half-day workshops with the first session taking place on 11th February and the second on 12th February (9.30am-1.30pm). All events are held online using Zoom. Once you have completed DABS Pioneers we would recommend attending DABS Labs.

To participate in the these workshops you must be eligible for the DABS programme. Please register your application online >


Register for the DABS programme